Auto Parts Services
Used Auto Parts, Used Engines and Transmissions, Salvage Vehicles and much more. Lifetime Warranty Available *SE HABLA ESPANOL*
- Midwest Distributor O.E. Factory Reconditioned Wheels
- Computerized Inventory
- Nationwide Locator Service
- Low Prices on New Glass and Radiators
- 4×4 Truck Specialist
- Take all Major Credit Cards
- 91-Day Warranty
- Extended Warranties Available (91 days – Lifetime)
- Specialize in Mid-90’s and up (Auto Parts)
- Family-Owned – 40 Years of Experience
- Four Generations of Experience
- Member of Automotive Recyclers Association and MATR
Salvage Parts
Auto recyclers salvage usable parts from vehicles that have been damaged in accidents or have reached the end of their life as useful vehicles. These parts are then tested and inspected for quality before being sold to customers.
We maintain an extensive inventory of salvaged and recycled parts, including engines, transmissions, body parts, electrical components, and more. These parts can be purchased by individuals, mechanics, and auto repair shops.

Parts Recycling
Auto parts recyclers also recycle non-usable car parts that cannot be salvaged, such as old batteries, engines, and transmissions. These parts are disassembled and their materials are separated for recycling and repurposing.
Auto parts recyclers are required to comply with federal, state, and local regulations related to environmental protection and waste management. They take steps to ensure that hazardous materials are disposed of safely and that recycling practices are environmentally responsible.